茜ヶ久保ももMomo Akanegakubo

CV:釘宮理恵 CV: Rie Kugimiya

遠月学園のOGで、元「遠月十傑」第四席。小動物のようなキュートな外見をしているが、人見知りで毒舌。格下と見なした相手には、あだ名をつける癖がある。 彼女が「かわいい」と推した商品は必ずヒットする、人並外れた感性の持ち主。

Graduate of Totsuki Culinary Institute and the former 4th seat at the Totsuki Elite Ten.
Unlike her petite cute look, Momo is shy and has a rather sharp tongue. She would give others nicknames whenever she recognizes them as someone of a lower rank.
She has superior sensibility; whatever product she recommends to be “cute” would always become a big hit.