第1話 学期末試験

  • 脚本:ヤスカワショウゴ
  • コンテ:高田耕一
  • 演出:田中 瑛
  • 作画監督:小野和美/山中いづみ/都築裕佳子
  • 総作画監督:下谷智之/山崎正和

Episode1 End of Term Exam

  • Script:Shogo Yasukawa
  • Storyboard:Kouichi Takada
  • Episode Director:Hikaru Tanaka
  • Animation Director:Kazumi Ono, Idumi Yamanaka, Yukako Tuduki
  • Chief Animation Director:Tomoyuki Shitaya, Masakazu Yamazaki
The season is summer! Soma and his friends have been through first semester of the second year and are now facing the final exams. The test is to run a "Beach House" on a beach packed with tourists and achieve sales of 3 million yen in 3 days! Soma and others of the Elite Ten felt confident, only until they found out about the downside of this exam… The restaurant prepared for them was almost nothing but an abandoned house! Will Soma and the others be able to pass the final exam?