第1期 - 第9話 - 山を彩る衣

  • 脚本:河鍋 俊
  • コンテ:サトウ光敏
  • 演出:サトウ光敏
  • 作画監督:中山由美/井本由紀/橋口速人

1st - Episode9 - The Breading to Adorn the Mountains

Inui Hinako, a Totsuki alumna, has tasked Soma's group with making a Japanese dish using available ingredients in the area. Anything other than condiments and spices must be procured from their immediate environs. Soma, provoked by Takumi Aldini's challenge, has a flash of inspiration and dashes out with Megumi to find ingredients for their dish!

第9話 WEB限定 次回予告
